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Bass player guide

Bass player guide-Frequently Asked Questions

1.Active or passive electronics?
Active instruments seem to be the domain of contemporaneity, but they appeared in the second half of the seventies. Active electronics, mostly pick up and / or preamp- a signal strength enhancer whose removes the hum and allows you to correct the tone from the position of the instrument ,
is powered by one or two 9V batteries.Proponents of active electronics appreciate the wide palette of sounds available under two or three rotors, and the strength and purity of the starter signal.
But do not forget that the basic tool for creating bass sounds is toe (or guitar pick)! Too much reliance on electronics can effectively close the imagination and ears of musician.
Passive instruments do not require batteries (which they like to "finish" in half performance ) and are appreciated for the natural sound.
In the case of a passive instrument, the fingers and the one simple high tone dial have the mst importance.
Forgetful people will appreciate the possibility of leaving a guitar plugged into the cable for the night - with an active instrument it can cause the immediate battery
discharge.The signal strength of the passive transducer can now positively surprised!

2.Quantity of strings.
It is said that we should take control of 4 strings at first.Not quite right.Five or six strings bass guitar just has additionally posibilities.
Five-pointed bass is not only the domain of musicians who play metal music.Knowing the sequence of sounds you can exceptionally catch "what" is going in the "five", and the ability to accent with low sound is appreciated by all the music-playing entertainers.
The problem can be that we must accustom to wide guitar neck , the sound of b string in most of five strings guitars is not good and we will have to spend much money on strings.
Is it worth ? Everyone must answer himself.

3. Frets or fretless
By designing Precision, Leo Fender did not think that bassists so likes impede their lifes , resigned with posibilities of playing pure notes. Yet...Fretless has been stay in the bass world and offers intriguing sound.
By deciding on a fretless bass guiatr ,bassist condemns to a constant struggle with intonation, tedious exercises and .... The need to buy a fretless bass,whose it still stay a basic and relatively easy to master the instrument in entertainment music.

4. Luthier or shop guitar?
The answer to the question that is extremely common on the Internet is not easy. Valuable originality willingly look towards the masterpieces of lute, but they do not always realize what it really involves buying a bass guitar.
The huge advantage of a serial instrument is that it can be touched and listened before you buy.Trying out a few instruments allow you to find one whose suit both manual and sound.
When you order a lute instrument you must know what you want you must it turn over luthier in an understandable way-
from the shape, through the electronic circuit, to the profile of the neck.The final result will depend on the Luthier's iventiveness
and you will be able to see if the result satisfy you after the payment and production of the instrument.In such cases it is often too late to change your mind.
Another diappointment waits when you try to sell a Luthier Bass.Practically just after purchase luthier bass loses his orginal value and usually it is hard to sell secondhand luthier bass.

5. New or secondhand?
On the developing secondhand instrument market we can find a lot of interesting,often inaccesible and cheap instruments.
However, when we decide on secondhand guitar we must remember that often used instrument can have a lot of failures.
Used instruments often require a frets polishing, which does not mean the worst scenario.The nightmare of a bassist buying a used instrument is
broken guitar rod -a fault which is hard to perceive at begining. On the other hand the instrument purchased in the shop is covered by guarantee.

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