
69 €
84 € Regular price
70 € lowest price


4 grudnia - Dzień Darmowej Wysyłki
Jak co roku, również i tym razem, dołączamy do akcji Dzień Darmowej Wysyłki organizowanej przez portal Ceneo. Każde zamóienie o wartości powyżej 20 zł złożone 4 grudnia wyślemy Wam całkowicie za darmo. &...
Coming Soon! Roland AX-EDGE Keytar
  ROLAND UNVEILS AX-EDGE KEYTAR Step Into the Spotlight with a Unique Mobile Performance Synth Featuring Pro Sounds, Customizable Looks, and More   Hamamatsu, Japan, September 13, 2018 — Roland unveils the AX-Edge Keytar, a perfor...
AKAI - Open Melodics and became a master!
For 31.03.2018 buyers of MPK Mini MKII, LPK25, LPK25 Wireless, APC Key25 i MPK2 controllers are able to download 5 free lessons for Melodics!MelodicsMelodics is an app that adapts to your abilities and musical tastes to help you get better at pad dru...
M-Audio - Open Melodics and became a master!
For 31.03.2018 buyers of  Keystation, CODE (Black) or Oxygen keyboards are able to download 5 free lessons for Melodics!MelodicsMelodics is an app that adapts to your abilities and musical tastes to help you get better at pad drumming, faster. I...