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Guides in Guitar

Types of guitar effects

One of the guitarist's favorite themes, guitar effects. The choice of effects is huge. They allow you to uncommonly expand the sound palette . Thanks to them, we can sound very different in each song, greatly enriching our game. Types of effects:Each of them usually has a single role to play. Just hit...

Is the tuner needed

Guitar is an instrument that is extremely popular. This instrument is the subject of many discussions not only in the one-to-one but also in the guitar forums, which grow like mushrooms after rain. What makes so many people want to play the guitar? There are many reasons why a guitar is so eagerly chosen....

Benefits of using metronome

Benefits of using metronome Learning to play an instrument is never an easy task. It's not just about the beginnings and the basics, but about learning the whole time of our musical adventure. Once we have learned the basics and our experience in playing the instrument is already several years old,...

Why we should tune our guitar?

Why guitar should be tuned? Music is an art form, that has been,is and will be popular.Music surround us at every step. Whatis more we like to go out ourselves and listen her using portable music players. Some people go one step further and assume,that if we want listen music,someone will have to create...